Love Note Board

As I was perusing blogs the other day, I came across this fantastic idea for a DIY Love Note Board! I love the concept and wanted to post it here for a few  reasons.  I don’t think we take enough time out of our daily lives to tell people how much they mean to us.  While […]

Bathroom Storage: Part 3

Drawers. Oh bathroom drawers. I feel like they have always been my nemisis.  Especially for us females, no? So many little things of varying sizes and shapes that need to be stored, and drawers are just big cavernous holes in which we dump them! How do you find just the right storage pieces so things […]

Kitchen DIY: Artwork & Calendar

Artwork doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate to be creative and interesting, and the following project will show you just that!  I completed two projects this weekend, for a total of $30 spent. The bulk of the cost for both was the frames that I had to purchase after failing to find anything that would […]

Bathroom Storage Part 2

You may recall my post about bathroom storage about at the end of last month. That was only scratching the surface!! One thing I am not afraid to show you, the blog-reading world, is the behind the scenes. Many of us see these beautifully perfect images on blogs, but how did they get there? How do […]

Bathroom Storage Part 1

We are officially post-move-out of The Ex! 🙂 I’ve not been posting because, well, I’ve been too busy around the house. I’ve also been wrestling with legal matters related to the divorce. But even with the legal stuff, it’s amazing how much lighter, happier and even relieved I feel! In a lot of ways, I don’t […]